Madeleine DIY Recipe | The success rate is super high! Make classic French desserts at home! Original & Chocolate Flavored French Madeleine Teaching

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In recent years, there has been a trend of room temperature cakes in Taiwan. The most common one is the "Madeleine" , which is famous for its shell shape. It is a popular French classic snack. It is often seen on the menu in cafes , a moist taste with a rich and creamy aroma that attracts many people.

What is Madeleine?

Madeleine, called Madeleine in French, is a small oval cake with shell patterns produced in Lorraine in northeastern France. The so-called "Genoa cake" batter is baked in shell-like moulds, traditionally with the addition of finely ground nuts, usually almonds, or shredded lemon zest to give it a lemony flavour.

Where did Madeleine come from?

The origin of Madeleine is very interesting. It is said that when a French duke held a banquet, the chef and the pastry chef had a dispute, and the pastry chef left in anger. The impatient duke was deeply afraid that when there would be no pastries to entertain the distinguished guests, the maid in the family provided the dessert recipes that were often made in her own home, the desserts baked with flour, eggs and sugar. It was unexpectedly well received. So the duke named the dessert after the maid.

Reference books

There are many baking books you can refer to. The book I refer to is "The Perfect Baking of Pretty Mommy Jasmine" , which has a selection of 50 desserts with detailed illustrations and descriptions. Each dish has a QR code attached, just scan the QR code code, you can watch the demonstration teaching video. I think the video explanation is very clear, and it is easy for beginners to get started.

 To make desserts, you need to scan through the QR code APP :

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1. Scan the QR code on the book

2. After decoding, open the webpage

3. Watch instructional videos

Madeleine preparing ingredients

Unsalted Butter: 110g
Low-gluten flour 130g
Eggs 2
Baking powder 5g
Vanilla Extract : appropriate amount
Lemon zest : moderate amount
Salt a pinch
Granulated sugar 90g
Honey 20g
Chocolate powder 10g
Madeleine Moulds A Set

Madeleine batter making tutorial

Pre-work | Coat a layer of cream on the Madeleine mold, then sprinkle some flour (need to sift), shake off the excess flour a little, and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour. This step can prevent sticking during baking. The problem.

01| Add granulated sugar first, it is recommended to use 2 granulated sugar, the color will look better after baking, and then shaving the lemon peel, it can make the Madeleine more fragrant!

02| Use both hands to rub the sugar and lemon zest to taste.

03| Add two eggs, stir until the sugar dissolves, showing a white and a little thick.

04| Add a small amount of salt and an appropriate amount of vanilla extract.

05| Heat the cream over water until it melts, remove the white cream on the surface, and let it cool for later use.

06| Sift the low-gluten flour and add baking powder after sifting.

07| Add the sifted low-gluten flour and baking powder to the working bowl (sugar cream) and mix well.

08| Add honey, mix well, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Madeleine Baking Instructions

01| Take out the mold and batter that have been refrigerated for one hour.

▲ During 
the process of kneading the flour, the dough becomes gluten, which will affect the taste. The iced dough will become loose, so that the taste after baking will be more delicate.

02| Distribute Original & Chocolate Madeleines.

To make chocolate madeleines is very simple, take out half of the original batter, add 10g chocolate powder and mix well.

Pour plain, chocolate batter into a squeeze bag.

03 | Squeeze the batter into the baking mold about 9 minutes full, set the oven temperature to 190 degrees, and bake for 15 minutes.

Madeleine finished product

Madeleine is out! Doesn't it look delicious ! Everyone can adjust the baking time according to their own preferences. If you like the taste of the charred skin, the baking time can be extended by another 3-5 minutes !

The "convex belly" is one of the classic features of Madeleine. The protruding belly is formed because when baking, the batter will start to bake and shape from the periphery, and then the thicker batter in the center will bulge upwards when there is no room for growth.

Experience Sharing

After cooling down, the Madeleine is moist and full of aroma. It is very suitable to match with a cup of sugar-free black tea. The original and chocolate madeleines have their own characteristics. I personally like the original madeleine more because it can taste a touch of lemon. The aroma is also praised by the family as delicious There are all kinds of Madeleine teachings in the market, and you can try making Madeleines with different flavors next time.

Made a Madeleine for the first time and it was a success This is a dessert that novices can easily make It turns out that it is so simple to make classic French desserts, and the materials needed to make Madeleines are also easy to buy. Interested readers, take advantage of the weekend and try it at home ^^

 To make desserts, you need to scan through the QR code APP :

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If you are an ios user, you can turn on the built-in camera scan.


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