Simple and delicious! Scan the QRcode to see the recipe, the secret to making coffee-flavored cookies!

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Delicious cookies are a favorite delicacy of many people. The taste of cookies is crunchy, not as hard and crisp as biscuits, nor as soft as cakes, but in the middle, and it feels refreshing after one bite, which is very suitable for Serve as an afternoon tea snack! The plasticity of cookies is very high, and various shapes and sizes can be made, and various materials such as chocolate, nuts, and fruits can also be added according to personal tastes to make cookies with different flavors.

In this article, I will share an easy-to-follow recipe and introduce how to use QRcode to easily get more recipe information. If you are interested in making cookies, you may wish to try it with me 😁

Explore a new world of recipes: the perfect combination of books and QR codes

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Have you ever been in a situation like this: When preparing to cook, the recipe book in your hand is difficult to carry, and you need to flip through it repeatedly to see the list of ingredients and steps required?

Recently, I went to the supermarket to look through a recipe book, and found that every dish in the book is equipped with a QRcode, and you can get a complete recipe instruction in an instant just by scanning it. Compared with traditional paper recipes, this new method not only allows you to see the text description, but also watch video demonstrations, making learning easier.

In the past, to learn cooking, you had to buy a recipe book before you could start practicing, but it is inconvenient to carry a recipe book, especially when you are shopping in the supermarket, you still need to look through the books to find the ingredients you need. Such a traditional method is not only inconvenient, but also a waste of time.

The QR code APP I use can perfectly solve these problems . I especially like the "Scanning QRcode function of pictures" of this APP, because it can easily decode the pictures with QR code in the phone album Even if a picture has more than 2 QR codes , users can easily select the QR code to decode, which is really convenient.

1. Take a photo of the contents of the recipe book

2. Select the picture with the QR code in the album

3. Choose the QR code to decode by yourself

4.  After the decoding is complete, watch the recipe teaching and ingredient list online

Homemade Coffee Flavored Cookies

The amount of this recipe makes about 18 cookies, feel free to increase or decrease the amount.

food preparation
Unsalted butter: 115 grams Salt tsp
Powdered sugar 55 grams
Eggs 10 grams
Instant coffee powder: 4 grams
Low-gluten flour: 135 grams
Corn flour: 30 grams

【Production steps】

1.  Soften the unsalted butter at room temperature and prepare a large bowl. Then pour the softened butter into a bowl, add a spoonful of salt, and stir well.

Why add salt?
When making cookies, salt is added to add flavor and balance the texture of the food. The salt brings out the sweetness while also adding richness and balance to the cookie.

2.  Add the powdered sugar to the bowl and beat for about 2-3 minutes until the mixture is fluffy and light yellow.

What is the difference between powdered sugar and caster sugar?
Because powdered sugar contains less crystals, it can make cookies more delicate and soft.

If you use granulated sugar, the cookies may have a harder, chewier texture and may not look as pretty. So, using powdered sugar makes the cookies even more perfect!

3. Add egg yolk and coffee and continue to beat until the mixture is homogeneous.

4.  Sift low-gluten flour, corn flour, and a small amount of cocoa powder, add to a bowl and mix well.

4.  Put the mixed biscuit dough into a piping bag, and squeeze the biscuit dough onto the baking tray. After extrusion, it is recommended to put the baking tray and the biscuit dough in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. While waiting for the dough, you can preheat the oven to 150 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Why should the dough be refrigerated first?
Refrigerate the cookie dough before baking, mainly because the butter and other fats in the dough harden at low temperatures, which makes the baked cookies more crunchy.

Plus, refrigerating the dough helps control the shape of the cookie dough, preventing it from warping or spreading during baking

5. Take out the dough, put it in a preheated oven, set at 150 degrees, and bake for 30 minutes, until the surface is golden brown.
Remove from the pan, let cool, and your coffee flavored cookies are ready!

Taste and experience

The taste characteristics of coffee-flavored cookies, in addition to the crispy taste of general cookies, also has a strong coffee taste, allowing people to feel the bitterness and aroma of coffee beans when enjoying it. In addition, because cookies It is baked after being refrigerated, so the texture is even more crunchy!

This recipe is simple and easy to make. The addition of coffee powder gives the cookies a rich flavor. It is suitable for afternoon tea or as a gift for yourself. try it!

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Make Your Own Wifi QR Code, Connect to Wifi Without Typing

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